How to extend c drive using Disk management


Extend c drive using disk management if you are new to the world of blogging then you have heard it a lot. so must have come to the question that Extend c drive using disk management? And how to drive partition windows 10?

extend volume drive c

Why we extend c drive?

 Many users allocated all type of file in c drive that why c drive want more  space to extract more data so there is a solution of this problem by using disk management we can extend volume drive c in window 10

mainly there are two method to extend a partition in window 10 
method 1: Extend c drive Using disk management
method 2: Using disk management software to extend a partition

But I always follow the first method because this is easy and safe to all user

By following method 1 we can  Extend c drive using disk management When there is unallocated space behind c drive then we change disk size. 
By using disk management, we can extend c drive if there is unallocated space behind c drive then we extend volume drive c.

How to extend c drive using z drive

Step 1: So simple open the disk management in window 10 if you don't know

 step 2: Next step to choose the other drive accept c drive for extend drive partition.
Extend volume drive c

Step 3: Select the drive and press right-click partition Z and choose delete volume.
Extend volume drive c

NOTE: if you are deleting the volume then one thing remember in your mind. That the crucial data on this partition has been up or more to safe drive

Step 4: After deleting the volume the warning pop up display on the screen That informed you that once you delete the drive all data also deleted so make sure to keep this data in a safe place.
Extend volume drive c

Step 5: Click on the Yes button to follow the next step

Step 6: In the next step, we see that  Z drive is unallocated now it is ready to add space to c drive
Extend volume drive c

Opinion: if unallocated space is not enough to upload other files then choose another drive for unallocated space.

Step 7: After that right-click on  c drive and choose the extend volume
Extend volume drive c

Step 8: After click on extend volume you will saw a pop-up window just you click on next 
Extend volume drive c

Step 9: After that another popup window show you and choose the disk from where you want to get free space and click on the Next button which is between from Back and cancel button
Extend volume drive c

Step 10: This is a summary of operation disk management will carry out check it carefully and select in finish button
Extend volume drive c

Step 11: In a very few second  extend c drive 
Extend volume drive c

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